Friday, May 20, 2011

Yet Another Fab Friday!

I am so excited! 

I get to spend a long weekend with my hubs and I am OH so excited! 

I have Monday AND Tuesday off of next week. I am so happy to just be able to relax!!! Yay!

SO much to be thankful for on this Fab Friday!



lolly said...

Relaxing sound really fabulous! I have plenty of time I could take off of work, but I never do.. one day! Enjoy your long weekend!

Meg said...

That is WAY fab! Enjoy it girl.

C. Sue said...

There is nothing better than a long weekend!

Grace said...

rhappy iclw! a four-day weekend?! awesome!

Kristin said...

Hope you've had an incredibly wonderful weekend with your husband.


Patience said...

Hope you are having a FABULOUS weekend! Here from ICLW.

C said...

Found your blog through ICLW! Hope you enjoyed your weekend and your days off.

Your dog is adorable! Look forward to following along!

Billy said...

Stooping by from ICLW. Hope you have/had a wonderful relaxing time!

Lissie said...

Yay for long weekends. I am counting the minutes til this coming weekend when I am off from Friday til Tuesday!

Happy ICLW!

Anonymous said...

Visiting from ICLW.

I hope you've had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

foxy said...

Hi Jill,
Vacations are my favorite, mostly because I just love getting to spend so much time with my hubby :) It is pretty awesome to have such wonderful men in our lives, isn't it?