Thursday, January 27, 2011

Picture Day 1 of 30

Day 1: Picture of yourself with 10 facts! 

1) I was at Madame Tuessaud's Las Vegas visiting some celebrities with my hub*star
2) My husband has 9 toes
3) I love my dog. I wish I could take the pain for him
4) I wish I were a better photographer
5)  I dream about the day I become a mother
6) I graduated from Pennsylvania State University and <3 Joe Pa
7) I have 1 sister by blood and 4 by marriage
8) I have no blood related Uncles. My father has 7 sisters and mother has 4!
9) I <3 Arugula and Baby Spinach
10) I've lost 50 pounds and want to lose another 50. AND I know I can do it!

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